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Benefits and Features

  • In vitro testing demonstrates significant anti-biofilm activity
  • Helps degrading bacterial and yeast cell wall structures
  • Encourages healthy intestinal microbial communities

Biofilms are protective encasements formed by microorganisms making them highly resistant to antimicrobials. Ther-Biotic® InterFase® is a unique enzyme formulation designed to break up the biofilm matrix that embeds the GI organisms.

Suggested Use

 Adults: Depending on age and size, take 1 capsule, 1 to 4 times daily between meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. Should be taken away from meals to maximize the enzyme effects. Children: As directed by a healthcare professional.

Allergy Statement

Made without most common allergens: milk/casein, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat/gluten, soybeans, and sesame. No synthetic colors or flavors. Non-GMO.


Consult with your physician If you are pregnant or lactating, or have any medical condition, or taking prescription drugs, or allergic to eggs, or under the age of 12 years. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

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